Guidelines For Presentations

Association for Moral Education

50th Annual Conference

Theme: Between Is and Ought: Meaningful Engagement in a Morally Complex World

October 24-26, 2024

Queensborough Community College, Bayside, Queens, NY, USA

The Association for Moral Education provides an international forum for the interdisciplinary study of moral and ethical dimensions of human development and education. Recognizing that we live in a morally complex world, in this conference, we invite participants to join in an exploration of the “is” and the “ought” and the space between, to “mind the gap”, as we integrate philosophy and psychology, education and practice, theory and application, the ideal and the real. We welcome sessions and preconference workshops on any related topic in morality, ethics and moral education, especially but not exclusively those related to the conference theme.

Papers and Symposia

Internet access is free in the conference meeting rooms.

We do not provide computers. Please bring your own or be sure someone in your session is bringing one.

Papers are generally allotted 15 minutes each, with 15 minutes total for questions for each session. Paper sessions will have a designated chair to help the flow of the event. Symposia participants allocate time as they wish.

Poster Presentations 

Poster presentations, described as artifacts by whova, are clear, self‐contained and self‐explanatory, textual and graphic displays with the opportunity for individualized, informal conversation about the topic. 

The poster (typically 3’ x 4’) should include the essential elements of the study or program with written text kept to a minimum. You may choose to print your posters before you come, or print them 1.4 miles from campus at Staples, 209-34 Northern Blvd., Bayside, or 3 miles from campus at Paladino Printing, 200-09 32nd Avenue, Bayside NY 11361.  

Once the program goes live (before August 1), and poster titles, abstracts, and corresponding author names are uploaded, corresponding authors will receive an email invitation to view their entry. After this time, they may edit the online information, including uploading a .pdf copy of the poster and adding the names of co-authors.

Awards will be given for outstanding posters. Because of this, and to allow conference attendees to review posters ahead of time if they wish, we strongly encourage authors to upload a digital copy of their poster no later than October 14, 2024.

Posters may be on Friday morning, and should remain up until the poster conference reception Friday evening 5:30-7:00 pm. We hope you will be available beside your poster at that time.