Strategic Initiative Development (SID) Grant

The Strategic Initiative Development (SID) committee has been created to support proposals that further the mission of the Association for Moral Education (AME) “to foster dialogues, training, resources, and research that links moral theory with practice” and “to support self-reflective educational and other practices that value the worth and dignity of each individual as a moral agent in a pluralistic society.” The AME is committed to fostering a climate of full inclusion, diversity, interdisciplinarity, and internationalism. Each accepted project will receive funding to carry out their work, based on budgetary review.

The 2024 $5,000 Grant is awarded to Francesca Pileggi, the principal investigator, and her team for the project Teachers4Skills (T4S): Training Teachers to Foster Critical-Creative Skills at the University of Turin in Italy.

Submissions for 2025 grants are now open, with a May 16, 2025 deadline. Grant recipients will be announced at the next AME Annual Conference in Finland in August 2025. See below for link to guidelines.

AME is committed to fostering a climate of full inclusion, diversity, interdisciplinarity, and internationalism. Submissions that include a team of AME members who represent diversity in race, ethnicity, home country, religious/spiritual orientation, and/or theoretical perspectives and methodologies are preferred.

**For information, please see the application procedures**

** Please submit your proposal to ame.sid.committee@gmail.com **


Student presenters who have limited financial resources to present their work

Faculty members within five years of their highest degree (i.e., emerging scholars)

Faculty members from lower income countries to travel outside their borders to present their work at the upcoming conference.

Low and Lower middle income countries are defined by The World Bank classification.

Decisions about Travel Grant Applications will be made after proposals are reviewed.
Applications for travel grants are due 20 February 2025.
Apply here: https://forms.gle/BpJRZLEovi69bjR29

**For information, please email webmaster@amenetwork.org or the conference email**

JME/AME Reduced Membership Rate Grants

JME/AME Reduced Membership Rate Grants were initiated by JME to make the journal available for those for whom paying the AME membership fee is a hardship. AME also similarly reduces their rate, making AME membership (which includes the journal) available at the price of $20, primarily subsidized by JME. Students registered for full-time work toward graduate degrees, unemployed individuals, untenured faculty in developing countries, and retired individuals are eligible to apply. Applicants must document their hardship by submitting an application on the conference registration website. The reduced rate includes a one-year subscription to the journal (JME)—print for faculty, online for students—and can be awarded yearly for a maximum of three years. Note: Reduced membership rate grants are not available for those requesting a travel grant.