2024 SID Grant Recipient Announced!

Exciting News!

The Strategic Initiatives Development Committee (SID) is delighted to announce that one of the submitted proposals from the University of Turin, Italy, has been awarded the prestigious AME $5,000 grant! The selected project, "Teachers4Skills (T4S): Training Teachers to Foster Critical-Creative Skills," exemplifies innovation and excellence in education.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Principal Investigator Francesca Pileggi and her dedicated team for their outstanding work.

We also encourage members of the AME community to seize this incredible opportunity—the current round of proposals is now open! Don't miss your chance to apply, as the submission deadline is May 16, 2025.

📌 Find all the details [here].

Let’s continue fostering groundbreaking ideas together!

2022 AME Conference Mentoring Lunch Testimonials

Here are three essays about the mentoring lunch at the 2022 AME Conference in Manchester, UK seen from the eyes of three attendees, Kristie Novoa (University of Santiago de Compostela), Allegra Midgette (Texas A&M University), and Saetbyul (Clara) Kim (The Ohio State University).

Kristie Novoa (University of Santiago de Compostela)

I am Kristie Novoa, PhD student at University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), and I was at the Emerging Scholars Mentoring Lunch on July 22nd, under the guidance of the amazing Professor Ann Higgins-D’Alessandro.

First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Everardo Perez Manjarrez, as well as the rest of the organizers of AME Conference, for conceiving such a meaningful idea for us, PhD students and novel researchers.

When I first heard the announcement about the lunch, it was a pleasant surprise: I actually felt welcomed and appreciated, in an environment that often promotes just the opposite.

As I am not in any research group and carrying out my PhD thesis in a fairly solitary way, this lunch was extremely special for my academic journey.

It was a very inspiring and enlightening dialogue, where I could get to know and understand the diverse social, political, cultural, and psychological perspectives of my colleagues on moral education, according to their realities and ongoing projects.

Without a doubt, Ann's presence and conduct was stupendous. At all times, she was solicitous and sincerely interested in our current investigations and experiences. She even gave us the idea to keep in touch, thinking of future joint actions, connecting our works with the central theme of Civic Engagement studies and actions.

I felt really safe sharing with colleagues about my work, listening to their opinions and inputs, as well as contributing to the themes and work of others.

Thank you all so much for this amazing experience!

Allegra Midgette (Texas A&M University)

I had the great opportunity to participate in the AME’s mentoring lunch and to be mentored by Dr. Sharon Lamb. Our group consisted of practitioners, graduate students, and early career faculty. During the lunch we discussed the challenges and opportunities that are present in trying to build collaborations between scholars and practitioners, publishing on issues of gender, finding funding, the value in being part of various associations so to be able to build community and network with others, how to engage in interdisciplinary research, and the opportunities that are available to build our scholarship, such as considering creating and submitting to a special issue at JME. The lunch was highly enjoyable, provided the opportunity to meet other early career scholars interested in similar research topics, and also was a source of encouragement as we were mentored by a senior and established scholar who gave invaluable advice and support. In my opinion, the mentoring lunch is one of the most important and valuable elements of AME conferences. I look forward to continuing to participate in this event!

Saetbyul (Clara) Kim (The Ohio State University)

I had the privilege and pleasure of participating in and enjoying the luncheon mentoring session on July 22nd, 12:30 p.m. I initially believed I was missing the venue because area of gatherings was scarcely visible. 'No way- I'm not missing it; where is the mentoring session taking place?' I was bewildered at the time as a volunteer student who offered to help with greeting participants. In fact, a group of people began to congregate at the very end of the venue. My heart was soothed after seeing them.

Looking back, it was a huge joy to spend around an hour so with the seven of us plus Dr. Daniel Lapsley (who I frequently cited in my candidacy exam papers).

We, the mentees, from all over the world, from Philippine, United Kingdom, South Korea, and all the different regions in the United States, began asking burning questions.

"How did you deal with challenges as a professor?" "What are some crucial factors to consider when applying for jobs?" "How do you get started to build collaborative relationships with people from various areas for interdisciplinary research?" "As a moral psychology specialist, what do you believe is most significant in teenage growth these days?"

Our questions went on and on and Dr. Lapsley's responses continued, much like a ping pong. :)

The hour was rich, engaging, and useful, full of authentic questions and practical advice. If I had not boldly made my mind to visit Manchester to attend the AME, I would not have had a chance to borrow Dr. Daniel Lapsley's wisdom. Insofar as it was a priceless chance for me, I also loved and valued the company of other researchers from a variety of disciplines whose focus is moral education. First, as one of just a few of scholars investigating "purpose" in the area of educational psychology, I was thrilled to see so many sessions on the topic. Believe it or not, at one of the largest conferences I attend as an educational psychologist, I seldom encounter anyone who presents on life purpose in my division. On the contrary, I truly felt at home throughout the AME, where I listened to, asked questions about, and participated in discussions about life purpose, civic learning, and moral growth. I got reconnected to Dr. Seana Moran; I met Dr. Tobias Krettenauer in person for the first time after a virtual meeting; I introduced myself to Dr. David Ian Walker; and I had a chance to converse with David Kohlberg about just community, all of which are still so vivid in my memory.

I have this optimistic and exciting picture of a future AME community where junior and senior researchers gather around tables together, intellectually challenging and socially emotionally encouraging one another as they discuss and brainstorm the future directions, topics, and particular methodology of research in moral education.

‘What is an alternative methodological technique to interview and self-report surveys for assessing life purpose?’ ‘What are our positions as moral education scholars in regard to dealing with contentious topics?’ ‘How do I present myself as a scientist and researcher if the study of morality is intrinsically founded in philosophical/religious origins?’ ‘What are our thoughts on value-laden education when things are so readily construed as politically correct vs. incorrect?’ ‘How implicit or explicit moral knowledge varies between cultures, and how is this portrayed in the educational landscape?’

Leaving these recurring and lingering questions in mind, I will wait for another chance to experience the collective wisdom and kind pleasantries that I enjoyed so much in 2022 Summer.

As a young scholar and researcher, I hope to continue the friendships and mentorships I forged at this conference throughout my journeys. I am grateful to Everardo Perez Manjarrez, the organizer for the mentorship session, as well as all the other leaderships and stakeholders who prepared and committed to setting up the stage for this unforgettable experience at the AME!

Linda Wheeldon (1947 - 2022)

Linda Josephine Wheeldon (née Inglima), age 74, passed November 11, 2022, just before 1 p.m. at her home in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. She was an early supporter of differentiated and arts-based learning, the power of music, and the role of empathy, which are now philosophical pillars among contemporary educators. She was secure in her belief that unconditional love for others was the only way through difficult moments. She served as president of the Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists and as a national director for the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. She wrote a book with Michelle Forrest on feminist pedagogy in teacher education and taught for decades at Acadia, as well as at Mount St Vincent, UPEI, and Cape Breton University. Her passion for strong therapeutic practices influenced generations of teachers, therapists, students, and clients. She was devoted to the idea that while together we are better, perfection is an illusion.

Link to the full obituary: https://allenfh.ca/tribute/details/700/Linda-Wheeldon/obituary.html#tribute-start

Tier II Canada Research Chair in Social Justice in Child Studies and Education

Concordia University in Montreal (Canada) is currently recruiting for a new and exciting position: a Tier II (Emerging Scholars) Canada Research Chair in Social Justice in Child Studies and Education. The details are provided at the following link: https://www.concordia.ca/artsci/about/jobs/canada-research-chairs/tier-II-crc-social-justice-in-child-studies-and-education.html

The Journal of Character Education (JCE) is soliciting manuscripts for an upcoming issue devoted to peace education.

The Journal of Character Education (JCE) is soliciting manuscripts for an upcoming issue devoted to peace education. The JCE is seeking two types of manuscripts: (1) conceptual manuscripts that connect education with peacemaking; and (2) manuscripts describing notable examples, in educational settings, of initiatives aimed at promoting the skills, knowledge, and dispositions required to educate peaceful citizens and to build peaceful environments. We are especially interested in manuscripts that address real conditions in a given society or region. Click here for more information.

AERA 2023 Moral Development and Education SIG Call for Submissions

We invite you to submit a paper to AERA Moral Development and Education SIG of the AERA. Submitting a paper proposal for presentation at the annual conference in 2023 is a great way to meet new colleagues and to get your work out to an international audience. The AERA 2023 conference in Chicago has both an in person and a virtual component. Here is the link to the AERA Call: https://www.aera.net/Events-Meetings/Annual-Meeting/2023-Annual-Meeting-Call-for-Paper-and-Session-Submissions

Deadline: July 27th, 2022

SIG Chair, Dawn Schrader

SIG Program Chair, Hyemin Han

SEAC 2022: The Ethics of Engagement [23rd International Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum]

SEAC 2022: The Ethics of Engagement

23rd International Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum

October 6-8, 2022

University of Mississippi


Keynote Speakers:

Jason Baehr (Loyola Marymount University), ethicist specializing in virtue epistemology and character education

Brian Berkey (University of Pennsylvania), political philosopher and ethicist working in the area of Effective Altruism


We welcome submissions (abstracts: 250 word max, formatted for blind review) addressing any aspect of teaching ethics across the curriculum. For this year’s conference we have a special interest in approaches for teaching ethics as it relates to interpersonal, civic, institutional, and community engagement. Sessions (20 min, 10 min for Q&A) include papers, panels, case study analysis and discussion, poster sessions and pedagogical demonstrations. The best graduate student submission receives an award ($500 plus free conference registration). In-person conference with limited slots for virtual presentation. Submission deadline of August 1. Early submissions (by July 1receive special consideration. Submission and travel information: https://www.seac-online.org/conferences/ . General questions: dsmower@olemiss.edu


Deborah S. Mower
Director, The Center for Practical Ethics

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hume Bryant Associate Professor of Ethics
Department of Philosophy and Religion
University of Mississippi


Board of Directors, Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) 
Board of Directors, Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO)
Former President, Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum (SEAC) Research Network, National Institute for Civil Discourse (NICD)

Call for a Frontiers Research Topic „Identity Development in Vocational Education and Training“

As the team of editors, we, Eveline Wuttke, Elodie Wendling, Karin Heinrichs & Kristina Kögler are pleased to inform you about a call for a invite for a Frontiers Research Topic „Identity Development in Vocational Education and Training“. As moral identity might be important in regard to this topic, I ask you as AME members for submissions for abstracts/papers. More details you find here: Identity Development in Vocational Education and Training | Frontiers Research Topic (frontiersin.org)